Informatics Graduate Research Portfolio

San Jose State University School of Library and Information Science


The following is a portfolio of my work and research while a graduate student at San Jose State University’s School of Information pursuing a Master of Science degree in Informatics. My Informatics study has centered around my desire and attempts to enable streams of data to become information and flow out into the larger digital collective consciousness. In short, I want to help out with humanity’s efforts to elegantly and effectively store and retrieve information.

Specifically, my portfolio focuses on the following efforts:

  • Research, analysis, and development of data schemas
  • Analysis and development of information governance systems, Digital Asset Management (DAM), and Electronic Records Management systems
  • Wrangling, cleaning, visualizing, and enabling better, easier access to datasets including an odd but fascinating collection of human folk-science data: UFO Sightings over the past century

This portfolio aims to showcase evidence to demonstrate my core competency in the Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) required by SJSU’s School of Library and Information Science to complete the Master of Science degree in Informatics:


Apply technology informatics skills to solve specific industry data and information management problems, with a focus on usability and designing for users.


Evaluate, manage, and develop electronic records programs and applications in a specific organizational setting.


Demonstrate strong understanding of security and ethics issues related to informatics, user interface, and inter-professional application of informatics in specific fields by designing and implementing appropriate information assurance and ethics and privacy solutions.


Identify user needs, ideate informatics products and services, prototype new concepts, and evaluate a prototype’s usability.


Work collaboratively in teams and use project management practices effectively to solve user- centric information and data problems.


Conduct informatics analysis and visualization applied to different real-world fields, such as health science and sports.


Reflections on my journey through the MS in Informatics program.


A required statement affirming that this work is my own.

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